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Winter at Walnut Farm

Writer: Nick ScottNick Scott

If you’ve visited Walnut Farm Glamping here in West Dorset you will know what a beautiful spot it is. Our farm is nestled in the rolling countryside, just three miles away from the Jurassic Coast and close to Bridport and West Bay. We are excited about opening for the 2020 season on the 20th March, and it has been a busy winter so far…

We took our yurts down in November and packed them away for the winter. Our beautiful yurt floors need protecting from the weather while the canvases are down and we cover them in plastic sheeting to keep them dry. A few days ago I noticed lots of little holes in the plastic covering Pippin Yurt and paw marks going across it. After taking the cover off we discovered a mouse had set up home under the plastic and taken a liking to the bags protecting the sockets from any water. A cat must have tried pretty hard to get in to catch the mouse, cutting and ripping the plastic in the process. So we have re-covered Pippin’s base and hopefully Tom and Jerry won’t cause us any more problems!.

Both Pippin and Russet have been sent away this year to have new roofs fitted by Rob at The Really Interesting Tent Company. We are really excited about getting them back – they are going to look amazing!

This winter we have also welcomed four new residents to Walnut Farm – Rosie, Hebe, Fleur and Barbie – our Columbian Blacktail chickens! They were named by our daughters, Lottie and Alice, who have become very attached to them. We hope they will provide us, and our guests, with a plentiful supply of eggs and they are great at eating our vegetable food waste. As you can see from the photo – they are very beautiful birds!

Molly’s mum, Jane, has recently set up a new business at Walnut Farm, The Seasonal Flower Company growing and selling all sorts of amazing flowers to sell to florists, the public and Walnut Farm Glamping's guests. You can either pick your own (with Jane’s help!) or order bouquets. If you are interested you can find out more by visiting her Facebook or Instagram pages. It’s well worth a look!

Bookings are coming in nicely for this year, you can see our availability here, and we hope to see you at Walnut Farm in 2020!





Walnut Farm Glamping


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